Natural Yeast Infection Remedies That Work

Linda Allen, nutritionist details natural yeast infection remedies to get rid of all forms of yeast infections naturally and for good.


She details it all in her best selling Ebook in which she describes Five natural protocals in  

A Unique Step-By-Step Holistic Yeast Infection System
Guaranteed to Eliminate Your Yeast Infection From the
Inside Out, Giving You Permanent Candida Freedom.

As regards vaginal yeast infection she lays out how to get rid of the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection in 12 hours and the yeast infection  for good in 2 months.

To Learn all about it 



Natural Yeast Infection Remedies | Best Natural Yeast Infection Remedies | Yeast Infection Natural Remedy | Yeast Infection Remedies Natural | Natural Remedies For Vaginal Yeast InfectionNatural Vaginal Yeast Infection Remedies

Candida Albicans


The candida albicans is a fungus (kind of yeast) that infects our bodies when it overgrows out of control in our bodies.

Normally the candida albicans and bacteria work together in harmony to provide a positive balance of microorganisms in genitourinary tract, mouth, throat and intestines.

Candida Yeast Infection

Candida Albicans Fungi

The candida yeast infection is manifested when the candida albicans grows out of control and can infect the mouth , throat,  the genitourinary tract i.e. vagina for women and penis for men, and the intestine. Click HERE  for more information for more  information.

Antibiotics and Yeast Infections

Some people develop the candida infection after finishing a course of antibiotics. This is not surprising. Remember when there is no candida infection, all the microorganisms, bacteria, yeast, fungi  live in harmony.

The use of antibiotics kills off some of the good bacteria. It does not affect the candida albicans because the candida albicans is a yeast. 

This causes an imbalance in the colony of microorganisms. This gives the candida albicans the opportunity to grow out of control and cause a candida yeast infection.

The natural yeast infection remedies when applied, brings the balance back under control.

These natural vaginal yeast infection remedies  assist in fortifying  your immune system to fight the disease.

A candida diet  with healthy foods are considered natural renmedies to fight yeast infection.

Antifungal foods are also used to stop the overgrowth of the candida albicans yeast.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies | Best Natural Yeast Infection Remedies | Yeast Infection Natural Remedy | Yeast Infection Remedies Natural | Natural Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infection
Probiotics For Candida

Some Diseases Can Cause Yeast Infection

Other people develop the candida infection if they have diseases like diabetes and HIV/AIDs. 

These diseases weaken the immune system as it fights those diseases, leaving it incapable to fight the candida infection.

There are many different ways in which the candida infection is treated.  There are the traditional medical cures and holistic (or natural) cures.

Over The Counter Medicine

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies | Best Natural Yeast Infection Remedies | Yeast Infection Natural Remedy | Yeast Infection Remedies Natural | Natural Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infection

The traditional medical cures tend to treat the symptoms and not the cause. These cures are temporary in nature. Many people who go this route, using the doctor’s prescriptions and over the counter medication, complain of the reoccurrence of the candida infection symptoms while they continue to suffer.

They are familiar with the prescribed antifungal drugs or cream to treat the recurring vaginal yeast infection. The men too are victims of the candida yeast infection and get the same results as the women when they constantly use the traditional cures from their doctors.

All genders who use the holistic method are satisfied because of its permanence.

Holistic Treatment  For Yeast Infection


The holistic treatment concentrates on the candida diet which avoids foods that allow the candida albicans to multiply out of control to become a yeast infection. 

It includes the foods that enhance the immune system and prevent the candida abicans from overgrowing to become an infection.

The Holistic Cure Also Includes


  • probiotics which are good bacteria with the ability to keep the escalating candida albicans under control.
  • the oral supplement Lactobacillus acidophilus which is proven to offset excessive candida production (yogurt also contains acidophilus)
  • using herbs
  • using tea tree oil, Echinacea, Oregon grape root & Lavender extract, Goldenseal and garlic.
  • avoiding using antibiotics regularly
  • wearing dry cotton undergarments (in order to give the body an adequate amount of ventilation)
  • avoiding cleansing products which are made of harsh chemicals or manufactured scents
  • not douching regularly (as it can cleanse the body from all bacteria, including the healthy ones).

The traditional methods of curing the candida yeast infection treats the symptoms and not the cause.

Most sufferers of the candida infection complain that the infection recurs constantly when they use that method.

My wife was one of them.

Here are some examples of Natural Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infection


Research  conducted found that garlic effectively reversed fungus growth amongst  eighteen (18) strains of Candida.

Eating garlic, cooked or raw can enhance your immune system, placing it in a stronger position to fight off the overgrowth of candida albicans, which cause yeast infection.

Garlic and Thyme in topical cream form is found to be helpful in treating yeast infections.



Researchers found that consuming plain yogurt may  help in naturally treating vaginal yeast infections.  The lactobacillus bacteria in the yogurt is responsible for it by suppressing the overgrowth of the candida albicans.

A probiotic supplement with lactobacilli is also effective in suppressing the candida growth.

To prevent the use of crushed yogurt in the vagina, many companies have developed probiotic suppositories that can be inserted into the vagina in lieu of yogurt.

Raw Honey

Honey is a natural product with antifungal and antibacterial properties. This gives it the ability to fight yeast infections.

Yogurt and Honey


A mixture of yogurt and honey has natural antimicrobial properties and may be effective in combating the candida overgrowth symptoms.

A group of researchers at Sohag University in Egypt published an article called, “Bee-honey and yogurt: a novel mixture for treating patients with

vulvovaginal candidiasis during pregnancy.” In the article, the researchers found that a mixture containing honey and yogurt was actually more effective in treating yeast infections than other antifungal therapies.

Herbal Medicine And Natural Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infection

For centuries Herbal medicine from plants and oils was and continued to be  useful in treating many ailments, including yeast infections. Many of these medicines have antifungal properties.


The Holistic Method also includes the Candida Diet.


The Candida Diet. What Is It. 


If you are a chronic candida sufferer  who pays attention to your body, you undoubtedly  realize what are the foods you  eat that cause or aggravate the infection. 

The list can be very daunting. So the best approach is to seek the foods that are good for your body that will prevent or cure the annoying condition of chronic candida infection.

So the quest begins. You realize from experience that the yeast infection loves foods that contain sugar. You can avoid candies, cakes, adding sugars to coffee and tea , sugary drinks like sodas and fruit juices, which typically have a lot of sugar.

Ok, that’s fine, it is a sacrifice you can handle.

So why not settle for fruits, vegetables pastas, these may be sugar free but unfortunately, not all of them contain minimal sugar.

So what is there really for you to eat. Is it that bad to find some good foods that are enjoyable?  Do you have to settle on celery, very special peculiar whole wheat like rye and water?

You conclude “What a dilemma is this what it takes to survive the candida infection?”.

I say to you a categorical No!!!.

It does not have to be that way at all. There are guidelines outlined with the kinds of foods to eat on a candida diet that would prepare you to beat the candida infection condition effectively, permanently and to some extent effortlessly.

Learn more CLICK on

You will receive a Free eMail Mini Course and access to Linda Allen’s bestseller eBook on how to get rid of yeast infection naturally and permanently in two (2)  months and most importantly how the get rid of the annoying symptoms caused by the overgrowth of the candida albicans fungi in twelve (12) hours.

The candida diet positively focuses on many different types of foods you can eat which constitute natural yeast infection remedies, while simultaneously, ignoring what you cannot eat.  You will also have the added advantage of making your dieting experience enjoyable.

It focuses on


  • low calorie fruits, such as apples, berries, kiwis and citrus fruit limiting the fruit intake to two to three servings a day.
  • vegetables low in starches or no starches at all, such as leafy, green vegetables, peppers, cucumbers, onions, cauliflower


For the main meal and your protein intake, it recommends foods comprising a selection from lean meats, fish like deep sea salmon, sardines, tuna, lean poultry.

Grilling, broiling or baking the protein is the preferred choice than frying and coating the meat in flour or any another type of breading which are high in starch.

Garlic is an excellent addition to the candida diet. It has healing properties and strengthens  the immune system with its anti-fungal properties, which destroy the mutating yeast overgrowth in the body system.

Added to the candida diet healing arsenal, are apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, grapefruit seed oil, fresh lemon juice, fresh cayenne peppers, flaxseed, and fish oils.

Now that you know that all is definitely not lost, but in fact there is a lot to be gained in knowing what a joy it could be to embark on a candida diet, you can seek out, find and shop comfortably to prepare your candida diet menu to your satisfaction and full enjoyment.

The candida diet will slowly, but surely change the acidic environment in your intestinal system present from the unhealthy foods you were consuming.

It will change it to an alkaline environment where the candida yeast can no longer survive.

To learn more about candida diet, foods to eat on a candida diet and candida recipes, visit

You will receive a Free Email Mini Course and access to Linda Allen’s bestseller eBook.

The eBook details  how to get rid of the annoying symptoms of yeast infection in 12 hours.

It gets rid of the yeast infection itself naturally and permanently in two (2) months.

To learn more CLICK on the video link Below

When To See A Doctor

While home remedies can resolve many cases of yeast infection, they are not effective in all situations.

Seek medical treatment if:

  • you are pregnant
  • this is your first yeast infection, as a medical diagnosis is necessary
  • the yeast infection is severe, or there are fissures or sores
  • the infections are recurrent, appearing 4 or more times a year
  • symptoms do not improve within a few days of self-administered treatment
  •  underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or a compromised immune desease exist

When to avoid home remedies

Many home remedies are safe for the most people with yeast infections. However, the following people should not try to treat themselves:

  • pregnant women
  • anyone who has been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection
  • people with a recurrent yeast infection
  • people who are unsure if their symptoms are caused by a yeast infection