Kill Candida Overgrowth Symptoms with Natural Candida Cures

Get Linda Allen, holistic expert eBook on how to get rid of candida albicans overgrowth symptoms in males & females naturally and for good. Click

Yes, you can get rid of the candida overgrowth symptoms in twelve hours.

However to get a forever solution to ridding the body of the annoying yeast infection will take about two (2) months according to Linda Allen’s #1 Rated eBook.

Here is my review of the yeast infection no more eBook .

You can click HERE to download her ebook.

You can also subscribe to receive my FREE eMail Mini Course by CLICKIG HERE

Referring back to the 12 hour treatment. It is safe to follow a protocol using afforable, natural and easily accessible ingredients that you can find at your neighborhood health food store to get rid of the candida overgrowth symptoms.

You must bear in mind that to get rid of the condition completely and forever you have to follow the two months protocol as mentioned before.

The 12 hour protocol is a temporary solution to the candida overgrowth symptoms and must be repeated if necessary while you are following the permanent solution guidelines laid out in the eBook.

The 12 Hour Protocol

Referring back to the 12 hour treatment. It is safe and follow a protocol using afforadable, natural and easily accessible ingredients that you can find at your neighborhood health food store. 

You must bear in mind that to get rid of the condition completely and forever you have to follow the two months protocol as mentioned before.

The 12 hour protocol is a temporary solution to the candida albicans overgrowth symptoms in males and females and must be repeated if necessary while you are following the permanent solution guidelines laid out in the eBook.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection And Candida Overgrowth Symptoms in Male & Female

Employing some natural products which have proven to be historically effective in getting rid of the candida overgrowth symptom is the way to go for a quick solution. These products include plain yogurt, garlic, tea tree oil, organic apple cider, raw honey and many more.

She explains the kinds of the products to get for best results and how to use them safely and effectively in her eBook which you can download at the end of this article.

Candida Albicans Overgrowth Symptoms

Candida albicans are found in many parts of the body as fungi which live in harmony with other fungi and bacteria. They go about their business doing their useful work and recognize and destroy invading bad bacteria.

When the environment in which they live becomes less acid, they grow out of control upsetting the balance, resulting in the candida overgrowth symptoms of the yeast infection..

A solution becomes necessary.

Some of the vaginal and penile symptoms are itching, creamy discharge from the vagina and sores in the pubic areas.

Some of the systemic candida albicans overgrowth symptoms are

  • Allergic reactions to animals, perfume, chemicals
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Cold like symptoms with excessive mucus in the nose, throat, lung, sinuses
  • Cravings for sugary stuff. Candida yeast infection loves sugar.
  • Bloating, diarrhea, ulcers, constipation.

Candida Overgrowth Symptoms | Candida Overgrowth Symptoms in Male | Candida Overgrowth Symptoms in Female | Candida Albicans Overgrowth Symptoms | Intestinal Candida Overgrowth Symptoms

  • Ear infection and other abnormalities of the ear for instance ringing in the ear
  • Itching in the eye, erratic vision, dryness of the eye
  • Lethargy, drowsiness
  • Swollen glands, dry mouth, infection in the mouth
  • Hair loss, scalp sores
  • Headaches, dizziness, brain fog.
  • Hemorrhoids, rectal itching, rash on the buttocks
  • Irritability, nervousness, panic attacks
  • For men – lack off sex drive, sores of the penis, painful intercourse, difficulty urinating, swollen scrotum,itching
  • For women – painful and/or irregular menstruation, cramps, cheesy discharge, loss of sex drive, swollen vulva and itching in the surrounding area, redness and burning
  • Fungal infection of
  • the skin and nails
  • Joint pain
  • Infection of kidney and bladder
  • Lack of appetite
  • Mood swings and inability to concentrate
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Upset stomach and other stomach problems
  • Uncomfortable sleep

If the overgrowth of the intestinal candida albicans goes untreated serious problems can result.

Many of the remedies of the yeast infection achieve only short term results. The sufferers of candidiasis yeast infection males and females, become victims of recurring yeast infection.

Treating candidiasis

If you are suffering from candidiasis (yeast infection) and have checked out a medical doctor, they have most likely prescribed the conventional medicine of a topical or oral azole antifungal nature which are available over the counter or prescription.

The dose and length of time to take it would depend on the severity of the infection

Unfortunately, the fungus candida albicans which causes the candidiasis is becoming more and more resistant to azoles.

This may cause them to become ineffective eventually in curing the infection


Some Temporary solutions to treat the candida albicans overgrowth symptoms


Presently over the counter drugs like

Are effective but are of a temporary cure causing recurring yeast infection and intestinal candida overgrowth symptoms.

Here are some temporary home-made remedies that treat the symptoms of Candidiasis but not the root cause of the infection.

If you do some research, you will find them mentioned. For example:


Home Remedies for a Yeast Infection and Intestinal Candida Overgrowth Symptoms in Male and Female

  • Inserting a garlic clove or a tampon with garlic oil on it into your vagina in the morning and an acidophilus capsule in your vagina in the evening
  • Soaking a tampon with diluted tea tree oil (use a solution of one and a half tablespoons of tea tree oil and one cup of water) and keeping it in your vagina overnight
  • Applying a paste of plain, “live” yogurt that has Lactobacillus acidophilus strains in it to the vulva and vaginal opening

Recent Research on Antifungals 

In addition, recent research found that

  • Coriander and Ceylon cinnamon “drastically” affect C. albicans’ ability to grow
  • Black Cumin and Ajwain permanently damage Candida cells, stopping them from growing out of control
  • Dill seed kills Candida cells
  • In mouse trials Tea tree oil destroyed C. albicans
  • Manuka honey “significantly” inhibits C. albicans
  • Pelargonium roseum (Geraniacea) completely inhibits C. albicans’ growth
  • cinnamon mixed with t Coconut oil in an “aroma candy” was effective against oral Candidiasis

To know more about these natural treatments for intestinal candida overgrowth symptoms and yeast infection mentioned above and the correct doses to take, I recommend that you see and consult with a natural health doctor.

Permanent Solution of getting rid of yeast Infection and candida albicans overgrowth symptoms in male and female

Your body can prevent or fight back the occurrence of candida albicans overgrowth if you give it the right tools to do so.

This is achieved by providing the right environment in your Gastrointestinal tract.

The overgrowth of Candida Albicans, if unchecked, cause the annoying yeast infection symptoms to develop.

Candida Albicans strive comfortably in a sugary environment.

Therefore, avoid eating sugary foods and simple carbohydrates that readily and quickly convert into excess glucose (sugar) in your gut.

If you are suffering from a yeast infection and candida albicans overgrowth symptoms here are some of the foods to avoid

Ketchup, peanuts, malts, alcohol, vinegar, marmite, mustard, chocolate and cocoa beverages, regular coffee, cakes and cookies of all sorts, energy drinks and processed foods.

Foods To Eat

Here are some of the foods to eat to prevent the candida albicans from overgrowing or if you are already a victim of the yeast infection to control and get rid of it.

Candida Diet Food List.

  • Fresh protein, if organic the better; choose from lean meats, chicken and turkey with the skin and visible fat removed.
  • Fish like sardines, salmon tuna
  • fresh vegetables slightly steamed or eaten raw, include the dark green and leafy ones too, broccoli, eggplant, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, celery pumpkin, red pepper, tomato, carrots, spinach.
  • Complex carbohydrates, but not in excess. Use barley, oats, buckwheat, millet, lima beans, red beans, and kidney beans.
  • Unrefined olive, safflower, sesame oils
  • Water
  • Salad dressing without vinegar. Better to make your own using a healthy recipe
  • Garlic and onion

Exercise, get plenty of sleep, at least eight (8) hours a night and avoid stress are also needed to assist to prevent or get rid of yeast infection (candidiasis)

Feed Your Gut with Plenty of Good Bacteria

Increase the probiotic (good bacteria) intake in your diet by using cultured and fermented foods containing lactobacillus or a probiotic supplement. They enhance your immune system and assist in preventing the candida albicans from overgrowing by balancing your microbiome.

  • The probiotic supplement must be of good quality
  • It must be able to survive the acid in your stomach to reach your intestine alive and in adequate numbers.
  • The bacteria strains must have health promoting features
  • The efficacy of the probiotic activity must be guaranteed throughout the entire production

There are also natural foods the have great probiotic properties.

Warm Moist Places

Candida albicans like warm, moist places

and grows in these environments like the mucous membrane which includes the armpit, mouth, throat, eyes, nasal cavities vagina, intestines the head of the penis especially if the male is not circumcised

Using nylon and wet underwear and tights also encourages and aggravate the situation by encouraging the candida overgrowth.

Wearing loose-fitting clothing and underwear keeps oxygen moving and helps prevent the growth of fungus.

Do not use douches or feminine pads as they can alter the normal pH level of your genital area. Try not to wear a wet bathing suit for a long time. Use cotton fiber for your underwear as it helps the genital area breathe some air. When washing, use mild and unscented soap.

The Use of Birth Control Pills

It is believed that between 35% and 50% of women who use birth control bills are exposed to getting recurring vaginitis from the overgrowth of candida albicans symptoms

Other causes Intestinal Candida Overgrowth Symptoms

  • Pregnancy
  • Steroids by pill, injection, or inhalation
  • Genital abrasions and irritations
  • Reinfection from your sexual partner
  • Diabetes
  • Auto-immune diseases

Be aware that

Birth control pills, antibiotics, corticosteroids can cause intestinal Candida overgrowth symptoms.


Symptoms are very annoying and uncomfortable and if not treated in a timely manner it can be dangerous it is allowed to penetrate the intestinal walls and become invasive.

In most cases it can be treated and dealt with and can be avoided in the first place you participate in a healthy lifestyle as mentioned above.

Linda Allen a holistic consultant suffered for many years with yeast infection, trying many remedies that that produced only temporary results

She determined to find a natural permanent cure of candida yeast infection to cure herself and others

and succeeded after years of science-based research and she documented her solution findings in her sought-after eBook which you can

download by clicking on the link below.

For a comprehensive detail of all the above about yeast infection and its natural permanent cure CLICK on the link below.

and also receive a Free Email Mini Course

Holistic Treatment For Candida Overgrowth Symptoms in Male And Female

There is a tried and proven lasting holistic solution. Many people all genders gave positive testimonies on how following the advice in her eBook helped them positively.

This solution is explained in an eBook written by well-respected nutritionist and holistic expert Linda Allen .The name of the book is Yeast Infection No More by clicking the link below.
