Candida Cleanse The First Step To Cure

Candida Cleanse gets rid of the symptoms of Candida Albicans fungi overgrowth naturally and permanently. Click on for all the details.

Best Candida Cleanse | Candida Cleanse Supplements | Symptoms of Candida Albicans Overgrowth
Candida Diet Fresh Vegetables
Best Candida Cleanse | Candida Cleanse Supplements | Symptoms of Candida Albicans Overgrowth
Candida Diet Foods

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection With Candida Diet YouTube


Why Candida Cleanse Supplement?


A candida cleanse program is needed to kill the symptoms of the candida albicans overgrowth due to the following:

  • The unhealthy foods we eat,
  • lack of exercise and
  • stress caused by our modern lifestyle in this fast food era

which cause the candida albicans fungi in our gut to overgrow out of control and upset the balance of  hundreds of millions of microorganisms living and working in conformity with one another.

Linda Allen Author of Famous eBook

Her yeast Infection Program is the Only Clinically Proven Holistic Candida System on the market to cure symptoms of candida albicans overgrowth.

She has   Over 143,000 Candida Free Patients worldwide and still counting.!

Click HERE NOW to get her eBook and start getting rid of the symptoms of yeast infection in as little as 12 hours.

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What Are Candida Albicans

Candida albicans are fungi that when they overgrow in your gut, you suffer the symptoms of candida albicans overgrowth and get a yeast infection.

The scientific name for this yeast infection is Candidiasis. It resides in your gastrointestinal system, mouth, skin, and in the genital parts of people of all genders.

The  candida albicans  do not normally cause a health problem, unless some diseases weaken the body’s immune system.

The overuse of antibiotics also can cause the yeast infection to occur because antibiotics can kill good bacteria as well and cause the imbalance I mentioned above.

Symptoms of candida albicans overgrowth

The infection manifests itself by particular characteristics, namely itching, burning and discharge particularly in the female genitalia and the male genitals. These symptoms of candida albicans are extremely uncomfortable to the candida yeast infection sufferer.

Vaginal itching 

The itching is caused by the dryness of the area.  It is an itching sensation that cannot be ignored.

The need to scratch becomes irresistible.

Relentless scratching at the area, hoping to ease the itching, not only causes frustration but makes matters worse.

By scratching the infected area, you spread the candida infection, and expose the raw infected skin.

This causes the next painful symptom which is the burning sensation that you experience. burning.

Vaginal Burning

This is another one of the symptoms of candida albicans overgrowth which usually drives the sufferer to finding a cure to get rid of the annoying symptoms of the yeast infection.

It is painful and makes for an extremely unpleasant experience no matter what the activity.

Even showering becomes a sensitive chore. Try to keep the area completely exposed at night and wear breathable cotton material during the day to help with the sensitivity.

Vaginal Discharge 

During a vaginal candida yeast infection, a white looking discharge is normal.

This is the excretion of dead cells leaving your body. It can be uncomfortable and pretty gross.

Other Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis

Some other things to look out for are painful urination, redness, discomfort during intercourse.

The symptoms of the yeast infection are pretty miserable, but there IS help.

The Solution

I highly recommend you apply natural remedies when treating a yeast infection for the simple reason that they cure the fungal infection from the root source.

They don’t just mask the symptoms. They cure you from the inside out.

Natural remedies are fairly easy to implement and consist of changes in diet, hygiene and homemade solutions.

You can find a list of natural yeast infection remedies at .

The step-by-step cures on that site should have the symptoms of your yeast infection stopped within the next 12 hours and the infection permanently cured in two (2) months.

Untreated yeast infection

Untreated yeast infection  can pose a very serious medical problem when it enters the blood stream and become systemic.

Candida overgrowth likes moist places

Candida albicans is a yeast and therefore likes to reside in moist places like the mouth, on the skin and genital region.

It is normally present in our body but live in harmony with other micro-organism doing useful work, like preventing the incidence of infection when our immune system is working fine.

When, however, the environment in which the fungus is living changes to one that would cause the fungus to multiply, it takes advantage of the situation and multiplies infecting the body.

It infects the skin in areas like the armpit, beneath the breasts and any other places where the skin folds to give skin to skin contact like in higher-weight people.

This type of yeast infection is scientifically called Cutaneous Candidiasis and appears as diaper rash in babies, the diapers providing the warm environment to cultivate the yeast infection.

Another moist area is the vagina. Candida albicans like this warm area and when it overgrows, it causes an infection called vaginitis.

It is said that nearly 75% of women is affected by this infection at least once a year.

Yeast infection in men

Men are also affected by the yeast infection in the genital area as well.

Men can contract the infection through sexual intercourse and re-infect their partner. It is also said that 12% to 16% of men contract yeast infection after sexual contact with an infected partner.

Yeast infection in Aged People

The aged people commonly suffers from oral candidiasis, infection of the mouth, sometimes referred to as thrush.

Babies also suffer from this type of infection.

Candida cleanse supplements – a solution

If you are suffering from a candida yeast infection, a candida cleanse program using the foods that make up a candida diet is effective is building your immune system to overcome the overgrow of the candida albicans and get rid of the annoying and uncomfortable symptoms of candida.

What is candida cleanse?

It is using candida cleanse diet to used  get rid of candida from your body.

It brings the fungi overgrowth under control as long as eating the healthy candida diet foods continues.

Over the counter yeast infection medicines

Most people tend to use the over the counter (otc) candida medication to get rd of the candida overgrowth symptoms which are making them uncomfortable to the extent that they become unbearable most times.

They therefore settle for the quick fix only to experience a recurrence in the future.

Yeast infection cure

These Over the Counter remedies only provide short term relief of the symptoms.

The symptoms return and the candida becomes chronic.

The candida sufferer gets upset as there seems to be no lasting relief in sight for a vaginal yeast infection treatment to get rid of the suffering in the long term.

My wife’s yeast infection experience

I know, because I see my wife suffering from the intense vaginal itching and burning, until she found a permanent solution.

She followed the candida cleanse program detailed in the sought after #1 rated eBook on the subject.

The book is Yeast Infection No More By Linda Allen. You can get it by Clicking the link below

My yeast infection experience

As a sexual partner, I suffered, not as bad as she did, from the symptoms of yeast infection in men until I found and used the male yeast infection cure from information gathered from her book .

More about my bad experience of yeast infection in men may be told in another article.

If you are a sufferer, follow the instructions detailed in her book and you are good to go, trust me.

Coming back to candida cleanse.

What Is The Candida Cleanse System

The candida cleanse system is a program which emphasizes using a candida diet, supplements and probiotics for candida treatment. It emphasizes natural ways to cure yeast infection.

What is the candida diet

The candida diet replaces foods which cause the candida fungi to overgrow.

The candida cleanse supplement diet food list does not include sugary food products.

These include sweetened beverages in all their hidden forms. It replaces them with natural organic foods and complex carbohydrates.

It replaces them with natural organic whole plant foods and healthy proteins.

Food List

Candida Cleanse Foods

The foods must be also be free from allergens, harmful hormones and toxins that attack the immune and nervous systems.

Probiotics and Anti-fungal treatment

The candida cleanse program also add the use of probiotics and candida supplements. Probiotics assist in adding good fungi and bacteria to the body and strengthen the immune system.

The anti- fungal treatment will assist in removing the toxic waste, parasites and toxic heavy metals which can lead to many other diseases.

Candida Die-Off Syndrome

How do I know when the system is working?

Candida Die-off Syndrome

You will know when the candida cleanse is working. You may experience slight headaches, nausea, loss of appetite.

Do not be dismayed, it is not unusual.

It is your body’s reaction to the candida cleanse supplement diet. The candida die off, which is really the ‘dying off’ of the overgrown yeast and bacteria which have accumulated, is what you may be experiencing.

This is called the Candida die off syndrome.

The death of the candida albicans fungi  releases toxins in amounts that overwhelm your filtration system.

The unusual effect would be your body’s reaction to the huge amount of toxins released. As the body adjusts and copes, you will start feeling like a new healthy being.

Candida Diet Foods To Eat

What foods are left for you to eat in a yeast free diet? Well, there are many yeast free foods available and enjoyable . Here are some of them

Healthy Proteins

  • Fresh protein, if organic the better; choose from lean meats, chicken, turkey with the skin and visible fat removed
  • Fish like salmon, sardines, tuna

Plant Foods


  • fresh vegetables eaten raw or slightly steamed, include the dark green and leafy ones too, beet, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, pumpkin, celery, red pepper, carrots, tomato, spinach.
  • Complex carbohydrates, but not in excess. Use oats, barley, buckwheat, millet, lima beans, red beans and kidney beans.

Eat them in combination with the proteins and fatty foods mentioned.

  • Unrefined olive, safflower, sesame oils
  • Water
  • Salad dressing without vinegar. Better to make your own using a healthy recip
  • Garlic and onion

Foods not to eat

Avoid fast foods

Other foods that should not be in a yeast free diet are malts, alcohol, peanuts, ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar, pickles, mustard; marmite, mushrooms, chocolate and cocoa beverages, regular coffee, energy drinks, sodas; regular cheese, cookies, candy, cakes, processed fruits, some dried fruits like prunes.

For more details CLICK on the link below.

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You will also get access to

the #1 best-seller on o finding a permanent solution to candida yeast infection.


Apply the information she details.

You will then be well on your way to get rid of the annoying, uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms of candida in less than 12 hours and the candida infection permanently in less than 2 months guaranteed